Artifact Pirate

Non Una Cum

What is


Sedevacantism centers on the belief that there is no legitimate pope currently sitting on the papal throne. Key elements of this belief include:

  • Papal Vacancy: Sedevacantists claim that the Holy See has been vacant due to heresy since the reforms of Vatican II.
  • Rejection of Vatican II: They reject the changes made during the council, viewing them as a departure from true Catholic doctrine.
  • Invalid Leadership: Sedevacantists argue that the post-Vatican II popes, including John XXIII, Paul VI, and their successors, have not upheld traditional Catholic faith and are therefore not true popes.

Non Una Cum


The Non Una Cum Mass is a liturgical practice adopted by sedevacantists. In this Mass, the priest does not mention the pope’s name in the Canon, signaling the belief that he is not a legitimate successor of Saint Peter. These Masses are typically conducted in the Tridentine Latin Rite, which is seen as the pure form of Catholic worship, untainted by modernist influences.

Why Do Sedevacantists

Reject Modern Popes?

Sedevacantists reject the authority of recent popes because they believe these leaders have:

  • Introduced doctrinal errors, particularly concerning ecumenism and liturgical reforms.
  • Abandoned traditional moral teachings and Catholic worship practices.
  • Embraced modernist ideologies that conflict with the Church’s historical stance on faith and morals.

By holding these beliefs, sedevacantists aim to preserve what they view as the authentic and unaltered teachings of the Catholic Church, resisting the changes introduced since Vatican II.



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Prayer to

Saint Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle;
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God,
cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

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