Artifact Pirate


The Runes



Artifact Pirate utilizes ‘runes’ tokens on the Bitcoin blockchain. These tokens are indivisible, with a total supply of 21,000,000. Artifact Pirate holds 15% of these tokens (3,150,000) for potential future needs, mirroring the untouched Bitcoin held by Satoshi Nakamoto. The goal is not to sell these tokens but to use them only if necessary.

How to Mint Runes Tokens

To mint runes tokens, follow these steps:

  1. Get a Wallet: Use Unisat Wallet.
  2. Switch to Taproot Network: Ensure your wallet is connected to the Taproot network.
  3. Deposit Bitcoin: Transfer Bitcoin to the appropriate address within your wallet.
  4. Mint Tokens: Execute the minting process via this link. Note that minting is free, with only Bitcoin network fees applicable.

Engaged Music

and NFTs

Artifact Pirate produces music that advocates for decentralization and exposes potential issues within the blockchain. Our unique approach includes creating an NFT collection for our music on the emerging Sonic blockchain and the Paintswap platform.

NFT Collection Structure

  • Pre-Mint Music NFTs: Each piece of music created before all runes tokens are minted and the Sonic blockchain is launched will have a single NFT (1/1).
  • Post-Mint Music NFTs: Each piece of music created after all runes tokens are minted and the Sonic blockchain is launched will have two NFTs (1/2, 2/2).


With each new music release, we will hold two different giveaways:

  1. Holder NFT Contest: Win NFT 1/2 by holding an NFT from our collection. One holder (he will have nothing to do) will be randomly selected.
  2. Social Media Contest: Win NFT 1/1 and NFT 2/2 by following specific actions on social media (e.g, retweeting, commenting an address, liking).

Community and


Artifact Pirate is a community-centric project. We welcome input and participation from all members to enhance our collective efforts. Our additional community features include:

Royalties Distribution

Royalties from the NFT collection will fund Artifact Pirate, calculated based on the runes tokens held:

  • 4% of the tokens held by Artifact Pirate (15% of the total supply * (4/15)).

Royalties will be distributed in the native tokens of the blockchain where the collection is hosted, ensuring alignment with our decentralized values. The royalty rate is capped at 4% and calculated using a coefficient of 4/15. If tokens need to be sold, the royalties will decrease proportionally (e.g., if tokens held drop to 11.25%, royalties will be 11.25% * (4/15) = 3%). To increase revenues, the tokens would need to be repurchased.

Artifact Pirate invites all individuals committed to virtue and justice to join our pursuit of true digital freedom. Together, we can challenge unjust centralized authorities and navigate the digital realm towards a more equitable and transparent future. By participating in our initiative, you become part of a movement dedicated to decentralization through music and blockchain technology, guided by principles of fairness and moral integrity.

We also encourage the community to contribute by developing additional utilities for token and NFT holders, expanding our impact beyond just the music. This collective endeavor will advance our mission of promoting decentralization and empowering individuals, in alignment with our commitment to the common good and ethical principles.



Artifact Pirate is more than just a project; it is a movement dedicated to promoting true freedom through virtue, and moral integrity. By joining our journey, you become part of a global community committed to upholding justice and promoting a fair and transparent digital future, inspired by timeless principles of wisdom and truth.

We welcome all who seek to advance the common good, guided by principles of fairness, truth, and the light that illuminates our path. Whether you are an experienced crypto enthusiast or a newcomer exploring decentralized technologies, your support is vital in fostering a just and equitable digital landscape.

Glory to God

in the Highest

Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will toward men.
We praise Thee, we bless Thee,
we worship Thee, we glorify Thee,
we give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory,
O Lord God, Heavenly King,
God the Father Almighty.
O Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son,
O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us;
thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer.
Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us.
For Thou only art holy; Thou only art the Lord;
Thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost,
art most high in the glory of God the Father.

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